Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Tea Time

I'm late, late, making preparations for our Thursday Tea. It was the first sunny and warm day in quite a while, and well, the garden called and I answered.

Frederick Frieseke, The Judas Tree
But here I am, the kettle is boiling and we can relax now and enjoy the ambiance and the treats I've assembled for our Easter Tea.

(Photos via Pinterest)
I hope you dressed for the occasion!
And wore your hat and gloves.

I've decorated all around the house with Lilies, a traditional choice.

I found these and have scattered them around the table. Please take one home with you when you leave.

Here's our main table

But I brought in another table just in case we have more guests than expected.

We are trying a new tea today, at least new to me. Have you tried it? I love the cute name!

Why not serve our tea from pastel-colored teapots -- just to welcome Spring (which we all hope will be here soon)?

Crocus tea cups

Simple tea sandwiches

Hot Cross Bun, anyone?

What's Easter without chocolate? The snowdrops aren't edible but they surely make this cake look like Spring, don't they?

More chocolate, please.
Oh, go ahead! Easter comes but once a year!

Easter reminds us of lambs


Baby chicks
Little girls in hats and Easter Baskets
 Judy Garland and Fred Astair in the movie "Easter Parade."

And Golden Retrievers in hats and pearls!!!!!
(This isn't one of my dogs but a photo I found on the Web and couldn't resist including.)

I'm so glad you stopped by for tea today. Have a great Easter weekend.


  1. Dear Sanda, your Easter high tea is wonderful, a real feast for the eye. I am of course wearing that yellow suit, complete with the hat! Love that china bunny - is it a jug? I heard Judy and Fred singing Easter parade on the radio yesterday, so nostalgic. Thanks for a delicious post and Happy Easter.

    1. Hi Patricia,
      That china bunny is a jug; isn't it cute? Hope you had a joyful Easter.

  2. Sanda, I am SO in the Easter mood now. However, I'm not in the "preparing food and decorations-mood" though. Loved the beautiful pix and thoughts. Best wishes for a truly blessed Easter.

    1. Hope yours was everything you wished. We had rain most of the day -- not very good for the egg hunts.

  3. The tea you are serving is new to me, I always enjoy something new. I need that white hat. I almost bought a similar one while in Palm Springs, now I wish I had. Non-buyers remorse. Have a Happy Easter.


    1. Darla, I hope you find a similar hat elsewhere. I don't know which is worse: buyers remorse, or non-buyers remorse.

  4. i love the pink teapot in your 6th photo down, and all the pastel ones. i wear hats and have gloves but haven't worn gloves in decades. i'm so glad to see people promoting hats!

    i've never heard of that tea. what's it like?

    1. I haven't tried that tea yet either. The name appeals to me and I'm going to be looking for it. The problem with buying tea from Amazon is that the shipping costs more than the box of tea itself!

  5. Love the sandwiches and the hot cross buns and the easter pooch : )
    Love your tea parties
    Wishing you a delightful Easter weekend xx

    1. Tea parties are a great escapism exercise. Hope you had a good Easter weekend.

  6. Thank you dear Sanda for the treat! Oh so enjoyable, one can´t get enough chocolate at Easter!
    The cake - mmmm.
    And even the Retriever is playing along! Such a darling baby lamb.
    You thought of everything. The tea is a new one for me too, scented ?
    Happy Easter !!!

    1. That tea is apparently jasmine scented. I really want to try it. Hope your Easter was filled with lots of chocolate!

  7. Beautiful table setting,enjoyed the cucumber sandwiches,of course Good Friday hot x buns,yum.Certainly must try that chocolate cake.
    Thank you for the sweet African violet gift,the Retriever looks very stylish especially the pearls.

    Happy Easter to you,Kris & Valerie.Judith/Ida

    1. Thanks, Ida. If you can believe it, I am opening the eggs I use at the very top and shaking the contents out -- in the hope that I can find those tiny African violets to plant inside them. Otherwise, I'll use them to start seeds. I'm told once the seeds sprout you can plant the entire thing and the seedling has an instant dose of calcium from the egg shell.

  8. I love the tradition of Hot Cross Buns - and that old rhyme, feed them to your daughters, feed them to your sons, one a penny, two a penny - Hot Cross Buns. We had them every Easter, although I never made them myself. My mother-in-law used to make me Jasmine tea, but I haven't had it since she's been gone. Harney & Sons has some nice flavors of tea, don't they?

    1. Cute rhyme; never heard it though. Harney & Sons are based in Connecticut. I hope to find a local place that sells it. Hope you had a nice Easter.

  9. What a great tea party! Although I was late, glad I made it on this gloomy, rainy afternoon. How much we miss all the Easter traditions from years gone by - very nice to remember some of the things from childhood.
    Sweet memories!!!!!

    1. I am glad you enjoyed the tea party. It was OK you were late; I saved you leftovers.
