Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday Miscellany

What's going on in your world today?

The sun is out, the cherry trees are a-bloom so I'm trying to enjoy the outdoors today because more rain -- tons of it -- is on the horizon the remainder of the week.

Kwanzan Cherry Trees -- blooming much later than usual this year 

 (Blogger is so annoying at times! These pictures won't line up in the order they are supposed to, so it's a mixture below)

Brother and sister love. Murtie and Myrtle being held by mother.

Myrtle, left and Carl in one of their favorite places - the tractor seat in the garage.

Carl, acting goofy as he follows me around the back garden.

Mommie Sox, now a house cat, gets more than comfortable! Such confidence.

Last week I stopped in an antique/junk shop and spotted this five-piece wicker set, which I'm considering getting for the front porch. Sofa, table and three chairs. I really like it. Not an antique, but designed in the style of the old ones.
Sofa and table. One chair to the left.

The second chair.

While rummaging around in mother's attic, we found these vases that florists used back in the day. While not milk glass I'm sure, I thought they were quite pretty. I could use the front three as candle holders.

Here's the third chair, which in this photo almost looks like a settee. All three chairs are of a different style.

Left-over chocolates from Easter.

Hope you week is good!


  1. Dear Sanda,
    Your cats are just divine. They look so comfy and happy.
    I love cats. Unfortunately cant have any, as i have 5 dogs.
    I would have taken the wicker set home with me there and then..its super.
    Your mum's white ware will help decorate your verandah.. how exciting.
    Happy april.
    thanks for your comments.
    xx val

    1. The cats are indeed happy kitties! I didn't think I could have cats, either, what with my two dogs. They have adjusted, however. I'll be going back to check on that wicker; hope it's still there!

  2. aren't the flowers beautiful! your cats are precious. :) the wicker set would look perfect on a porch, and those pieces look comfortable.

    i've had some little vases exactly like those 3 white ones in the front of the picture. i remember getting single roses in them. sweet.

    i have trouble getting pictures to go side-by-side in a blog post. i have no idea what i'm doing wrong.

    1. The vases the florists put single flowers in nowadays aren't nearly as pretty as the old ones. I need to expand my horizons on new ways to display photos on my blog. I see that others do far more interesting things than I do with mine!

  3. gorgeous photos of the cherry trees in bloom. Unfortunately our Easter was dreary, cold and partially snowy. We stayed indoors and chatted and laughed and played with cats all through the weekend. Your kitties have grown and they look adorable; inquisitive, playful with shiny coats all sighns of happy well groomed cats

    1. Your Easter must have been great if you played with cats; they are so entertaining, aren't they? This crazy weather! Today, April 3, feels like January. In past years, we've had very warm weather by this time. Go figure.

  4. Definitely go get that wicker set - it will be stunning when you paint it up and will look wonderful on the porch. Cherry trees look so beautiful; I have never seen them blooming as they do not grow anywhere near us. Lovely against that bright blue sky. As for Mommie Sox, what a sexy little charmer she is!!

    1. I still want that wicker set. I would like to find a paint that doesn't peel/flake off and require repainting. Such an animal probably doesn't exist. I would like it to leave as is. Sox is definitely a little charmer; never seen such a confident kitty. She is not afraid of the dogs at all!

  5. The wicker set should definitely be yours. I think wicker on a porch is a wonderful look. Mommie Sox sure looks at home in that photo. Love the white vases - the tall narrow one sort of in the back looks like milk glass from here.


    1. I don't know how to identify milk glass but even if it's not I like it. I can picture a pitcher of lemonade on that wicker table on the front porch. Now if it would only warm up enough to sit outdoors!

  6. How wonderful a porch full of wicker furniture sounds! And those sweet kitties would love lounging all over them. Do you get any cherries from those trees?

    1. The cherry trees we planted (ten in the front yard) are flowering/ornamental only. I would love to have a fruit-bearing tree; planted one a few years back but it didn't survive; maybe I'll try again. I can see the cats camping out on those wicker pieces too!!

  7. A wicker set on the front porch just sounds so American ; ), our wicker chairs are inside the house ( now I wonder why ; ).
    When I hear the word cat, your cats are the first ones that come in to my mind. Stripy cats = real cats : ).
    Our spring is at least 3 weeks late this year, so it will take a g e s to see cherry trees blooming over here.
    Thank you for placing pictures of them for us to see. Sigh.

    1. I remember your apple trees blooming from a post last year and how beautiful they were. But your horses don't like to eat them! I wonder why wicker on a front porch seems American. Maybe because of movies? But you're right: it is seen a great deal on front porches.

  8. Our Easter was the coldest on record brrrr.Still waiting for our daffodils to flower,at least we have lighter nights now the clocks have moved forward.

    Like the design of the 2nd wicker chair,white picket fences,rocking chairs on porches so American as Mette said.

    Hoping April will bring us all warmer weather.Judith/Ida

    1. I hope you enjoyed your Victoria Sponge Cake on Easter. I made one myself and was pleased with results. Sponge cake is my favorite too! I find they are quite easy to make, which is a very good thing. The design of the second chair is to my liking as well.

  9. Glad I only looked at this today as I needed something cheerful. The cherry trees are definitely that and the kitties brought a great big smile! They truly are adorable creatures and make things pleasant and give us all big smiles on "not too good" days. I still think "we" need to go get the wicker. It will look great on your front porch and a great bed for the cats!
