Monday, April 8, 2013

Annette Funicello

When I heard tonight of the death of Anette Funicello I felt sad.

I grew up -- like so many of my generation -- watching The Mickey Mouse Club. I was so addicted to the program and adored Annette, everyone's favorite Mouseketeer.

The Mickey Mouse Club was an American variety television show for children that first aired in 1955 and ran through 1960. It was later revived and reformatted.

The Mouseketeers were children and the main cast members. They performed a variety of musical and dance numbers, as well as some informational segments.

Annette Funicello began her career on the Mickey Mouse Club at the age of twelve, became one of the most popular Mouseketeer and as a teenager transitioned to a successful singer and film actress in the "Beach Party" genre movies.

In 1992, Funicello announced that she had been diagnosed with multiple scherosis and died of complications of the disease on April 8, 2013. She was 70 years old.

I had not heard anything about Funicello in many years but her death caused me to remember my youth -- those days of black and white. Back when life was simpler, kinder and more gentle than it is today.

Was the Mickey Mouse Club a part of your growing up years?


  1. I wonder how many of us can sing the theme song to the Mickey Mouse Club Show? I'm pretty sure I can, even though I was a little young for it. "Now it's time to say Good-bye....."
    I couldn't think of a single song she had ever done, but my husband remembers Annette singing "Pineapple Princess".

  2. Oh, I remember the Mickey Mouse Club theme song very well! Remember the adult Mouseketeer Jimmy Dodd saying the words between the singing lines? Mouseketeers would sing "M-I-C"and Dodd would say "See you real soon!" Mouseketeers would sing "K-E-Y" and Dodd would say "Why? Because we love you." and Mouseketeers would sing "M-O-U-S-E."

    Another song of hers I remember is "Tall Paul."

  3. Hey there, Hi there, Ho there, you're as welcome as can be,
    M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E... - See, I can sing it too!
    So sad to see the face of Annette pop up on my Dashboard and to read that she has passed, Sanda. Like you, I adored Annette, read everything published about her, went to all the movies, and held on to my piano sheet music of Pineapple Princess for years and years, such was my nostalgia for those innocent black and white times. So sad such a vibrant person goes at such an early age as 70. Thank you for posting this, as it may not reach the media in Australia.

    1. Fantastic! And didn't you just love those little serials they had within the Mickey Mouse Club hour? Spin and Marty for one.

  4. Absolutely have never heard about Mickey Mouse Club. Probably not surprising, as there was no such thing called " media " at the time.
    However, we got to see Walt Disney movies later on..

    1. I suppose it was pretty much a US program, and it WAS in the pretty early days of TV, as you say.

  5. My reply would have to echo Mette's,the Walt Disney films were part of childrens happy days.

    The club sounds fun.Judith

    1. I think Snow White and the Seven Drarfs was my favorite. Or Bambi!

  6. She was also my favorite and I remember watching ONLY her most of the time. I also felt sad when I heard the news yesterday. So sad to see all the things we grew up slowly going away. Guess that's a sign of growing old creeping upon us! Thanks for recalling some good days.

    1. Black and white TVs and we had to turn out all the lights in the room to adequately view the screen.

  7. i don't remember the mousketeers, but my husband does. everything i've read about her says she was a real sweetheart, a joy to be around. it sounds like her last years were very difficult.

    1. Those were a bunch of talented kids -- the singing, dancing, acting. Many went on the careers in the movies and TV. Bobby Burgess went on to star on the Lawrence Welk Show.

  8. Sad news. I recall the Micky Mouse CLub but my little daughters were watching it, not me. I could probably still sing the song though.


    1. Funny how those things stick with you! And Mickey always appeared at the end. That was sweet.

  9. I feel the same way when someone leaves era hopes to regather on the other side with more fun (at least I hope for that) xx

    1. More fun, and with no suffering and death and disappointment. So many things and so many people from our younger days are gone or changed completely.

  10. Hello Sanda

    I did not grow up with this show. I know she is going to be greatly missed and she left us too soon

    Helen xx

    1. The show was wildly popular in the US. That and American Bandstand for the younger set.
