Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday in Animal Pictures

The e-mails one occasionally receives with animal pictures always make me smile. Sometimes I wonder if they have been Photoshop-ed. Perhaps so in some cases.

Nevertheless, these are worth a look to hopefully make you a smile as you head into your weekend.

And in the words of Garrison Keillor, "Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.®

Image Credit: Unknown
Image Credit: Unknown

Image Credit: Igor

Image Credit: Unknown

Image Credit: Unknown

Image Credit:

Image Credit: Peter Dam

Image Credit: Imgur

Image Credit: Unknown

Image Credit: Pam Mullins

Image Credit: Urs Schmidli

Image Credit: Unknown

Image Credit: Gabriel Catalin

Image Credit: Unknown

Image Credit: Tustel Ico

Image Credit: Roeselien Raimond

Image Credit: Unknown

Image Credit: Ian Rentoul

Image Credit: Unknown

Image Credit:Unknown

Image Credit: Unknown

Image Credit: Unknown

Image Credit: Ben Terode

Image Credit: Unknown


  1. Love the birds in a row and the grey kitty with her doll plus doll. The tiger in the water was a little scary, though. Have a Happy weekend!

    1. Always something so neat about animal pictures.

  2. Thank you Sanda!
    Just what I needed on a lazy Saturday evening. Photoshopped/ manipulated = great pictures!

    1. Sometimes we have to look at things just for the shear pleasure of it.

  3. some of them may be photoshopped but they're still fun to look at! Happy weekend, Sanda

  4. These pictures made me smile,I have just dropped by while having a late coffee after a busy Sunday morning,still snow on the hills,nasty East wind urgh, my Daffodils are still trying to flower.

    Thank you for warming me up,and taking time to put the pictures on.Judith

    1. I hope your snow is gone by now and that your daffodils are in full flower!

  5. Loved them all - especially the grey striped kitties. Makes me smile and feel happy to see the sweet animal faces.
