Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Spring Tea

Spring has arrived -- at least in some parts of the world -- so what better time to celebrate with A Spring Tea? Here's your personal invitation:

A cup of tea says to the brain, "Now rise, and show your strength. Be eloquent, and deep, and tender."    Jereme K. Jerome

Tea served outdoors under the trees, with pink and white decorations set the scene.

The afternoon glow is brightening the bamboos, the fountains are bubbling with delight, the soughing of the pines is heard in our kettle. Let us linger in the beautiful foolishness of things.    Okakura Kakuzo

What will you choose to wear? The outfit below might be nice.

Or how about this?
Nobody can teach you how to make the perfect cup of tea. It just happens over time. wearing cashmere helps, of course.    Jill Dupleix

No, I believe I'll keep it simple and wear my LBD.

There is no source of trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea.    Bernard-Paul Heroux
(or a glass of champagne?)

I trust no guests will show up dressed like this!
Real men drink tea!     Sting

Would you like one of these cute rolled sandwiches?

No spring tea would be complete without strawberries. Take several; they are so good for you.

And we can be decadent and have a slice of pumpkin roll. They are so delicious. Find the recipe here 

There are several teapots to choose from in which to brew your tea. Which one do you prefer?
It's not the tea that makes it special; it's the spirit of the tea party.    Emilie Barnes
 I rather like this tea set:
The "art of tea" is a spiritual force for us to share.     Alexandra Stoddard

We can survive functional illiteracy or shattered windows of vulnerability, but not the demise of The Decent Cup of Tea.    Malachi McCormick

(All images via Pinterest)

And a few more quotes about tea:

Tea for two and two for tea. Just me for you, and you for me alone.     Irving Caesar

The best quality tea must unfold like a mist rising out of a ravine, gleam like a lake touched with zephyr, and be wet and soft like a fine earth newly swept by rain.     Lu Yu

The mere chink of cups and saucers turns the mind to happy repose.     George Gissie

A Proper Tea is much nicer than a Very Nearly Tea, which is one you forget about afterwards.    Winnie-the-Pooh

Make tea, not war.    Unknown

Tea is such a magical product-- perhaps even the eighth wonder of the world.    H. Rahman

It has been well said that tea is suggestive of a thousand wants, from which spring the decencies and luxuries of civilization.    Agnes Repplier

Tea quenches the tears and thirst.     Jeanine Larmoth and Charlotte Turgeon

Thank you for stopping by. I enjoy our tea time together each week.


  1. Tea is a magical product and so is this post...I had to laugh at the men having tea...hee hee
    I love those sandwiches, the pumpkin roll and everything else...thank you for the tea invitation : )

    1. Thank you, Mona. And you are very welcome; glad you could stop by.

  2. Hello, nearly 5pm here so just in time for tea,maybe I could try a slice of pumpkin roll ( called Swiss rolls here).It looks delicious mmmm.
    What could be more delightful than to chat with friends,sip tea while feeling the warmth
    of the sun on your back....well a girl can but dream.Thank you Sanda for another enjoyable Thursday tea.Enjoy the rest of your day.Judith

    1. Oh good. Glad I caught you in time for tea. I have made that pumpkin roll numerous times and it is absolutely one of the best tasting things I have ever eaten. There's just something about tea.

      Writing this at mid-day Friday, it is 45 degrees F. Quite a turn around from previous warm days. Frost warnings tonight. Go figure with this weather.

  3. What pretty invitations, since I like playing with paper the first thing I that came to mind was how could I make those? Great collection of tea pots. I have blue and white pots at home and I'm in the mood for something bright. May I have the use of that little orange pot on the bottom shelf please? And thank you.


    1. Darla, creative soul that you are I'm sure you discover how to make those invitations. Your wish is my command - you may brew your tea in that little orange pot.

  4. I love the envelopes made from square doilies. And Jereme K. Jerome is one of the wittiest people who ever lived. His Three Men In A Boat is pure pleasure.
    The Blue Willow Tea Pot on the fourth shelf would match my dishes, so that's the one I would chose. And those strawberries do look delicious.

    1. Have you made envelopes from square doilies? How cute those would be. Blue Willow is such a beautiful pattern that never goes out of style.

      I am growing strawberries, and they already are blooming. In fact, there are a few tiny berries. I hope to be feasting on them in 5-6 weeks.

  5. i'll wear that first outfit, if i may, and i'll try the yellow teapot on the top shelf if it's not too hard to reach. the treats look delicious. the weather has cooled off again and gotten rainy here, so a nice cuppa tea will hit the spot. :)

    1. I was able to retrieve the teapot you chose without too much trouble. How did the tea taste today?

      Can you believe this last gasp of winter we're having. And I'm going to a plant sale at the Botanical Gardens today! I'll have on my heavy coat, warm boots and gloves. What a hoot.

  6. Since I ´m still wearing the " real men " outfit, I simply couldn´t spoil your delicate tea-party this time.
    I miss having tasted the sandwich rolls.. They are eatable for vegetarians, aren´t they?
    By next week, I hope being able to throw my rough wear away ; ).

    1. As you can see from my comments above, it's "not so fast with this spring thing just yet." Today, I'm back in clothes like you're still wearing. At least your weather is consistent so you know what to expect. Not so much here.

      Sorry you couldn't make it for weekly tea, but see you next week for the tea party.

  7. Another delightful tea party, Sanda. I believe I am wearing the second outfit, the pink and white, having enjoyed very much receiving the invitation in a white lace envelope. How gorgeous is that? I would choose the black and white teapot on the bottom shelf - a bit Art Deco in style, I believe. Could we call them cornetto sandwiches? Such a cute way to make them.

  8. Cornetto sandwiches seems a perfect name. I thought it clever as well! Thanks for coming to tea, and yes, the black and white teapot is a great one to choose.

  9. This is such an inspiring post Sanda.
    Love the table set outside so for tea so very chic, i would love to do that.
    Your photos of tea tables are divine..
    Thanks for the invite.. the envelope took my breath away.
    My eyes are still looking at it all again.
    Thank you Sanda.
    wishing you a happy Tuesday
    val x
