Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Planting Time

Found this cute ornament for the garden. A head flower pot.

One could get quite creative in designing hair -- or a hat -- for this beautiful lady.

 I need "her" to keep company with this man-faced planter I already had.

 The lilacs are blooming!

And the flowering peach tree (ornamental only).

Now I didn't really need another rosemary plant but this one was so healthy looking that I just had to have it. You cannot see them, but it has blooms. I haven't had a great deal of luck getting my many rosemary plants to bloom. From what I have read on the subject, some do and some don't and some never will. They just do as they please. 

So I reasoned that if I bought one with blooms it must be a plant that would bloom in the future. Gardeners will find any excuse possible to justify a new purchase.

White petunias -- about 18 plants -- also came home with me. They will be nice in my white/night/moon garden.

Ditto white impatiens. When I was a child and went flower shopping with my mother and grandmother, they called these "sultanas." Does anyone know why? Have you ever heard them called that?

I found two of the lovely Diamond Frost plants. They are not extremely lush, but I've been searching unsuccessfully for this plant, and bought these two even though they are going to have to be babied to get the fullness they ordinarily display.

The other plant is a Creeping Fig, which I placed on the woman planter's head temporarily for the photo.

All the plant shopping made me thirsty so I treated myself to a Wendy's Chocolate Frosty. I never think of eating ice cream during cold weather, but once warmer weather arrives I get a yearning for the cold stuff.

And it was HOT today - 85 degrees F. Rain is predicted tomorrow so I probably will be trapped inside.

That's OK; I'll have time to get ready for Thursday Tea. Hope you'll join me.


  1. What is that female head pot made from? It's stunning. I love all your white flowers. Never heard of that Diamond Frost plant.

    1. It's a lightweight plastic. Not sure it will be weatherproof so I will place it on the table in the covered gazebo and bring inside during winter.

  2. The lady pot is gorgeous, sort of Art Nouveau looking. I'd have bought her too. I think buying plants is every bit as good as any other shopping, and better than most. Flowering peach blooms are one of my favourites, and the white garden is going to be quite lovely. White petunias and white impatiens should give a great showing for little cost. I don't know the diamond frost plant but might know it by another name. 85 deg so soon - when Spring comes it comes in a rush!

    1. I was rather taken with that lady pot as well. My sister and I were in an antique/junk store and the owner had one she'd just bought for herself; her's was actually a man head so we rushed off to the store where she'd bought it. They were sold out of the man but we thought the lady was quite worth buying!

      The Diamond Frost is a relatively new plant; introduced about 2-3 years ago. It's frothy/airy and cascades over the side of a pot. I don't know the botanical name, but if you see it offered for sale you'll love it and buy it!

      No in between here; goes from cold to hot quickly.

  3. You will have such fun with that head - giving her a different appearance depending on what you plant.

  4. Like Patricia Art Nouveau came to mind......what about making a Spring bonnet for her?

    We had a 60/70 mile gusts last night,HB is out repairing damage to shed roofs....still gusting winds,he is not a happy man!

    Can't wait to join you for afternoon tea.Thanks for cheering me up with your flower post.Judith

  5. Wonderful pictures of lovely plants. You had a fun day I know searching for all these. Love our lady planter and she can have many looks depending upon what plant is placed there. Your yard looks as beautiful as the pictures indicate. You have put much hard work in it and it shows!!!
