Monday, April 15, 2013

Waiting for Nightfall

I have this image in my head of a magical night garden - a place of mystery and romance.

Photo credit:
A night garden incorporates plantings whose, color, texture, sound, and scent can be appreciated in the evening. Sometimes night gardens are called “moon gardens.”

Photo credit: landscapeandgarden

I imagine walking in such a garden on a summer evening as moonlight casts shadows and emphases white flowers and shimmery plants among the greenery. 

Nightfall brings entirely new and intoxicating fragrances to the night garden - scents that awaken the senses to a unique garden experience.

Photo credit:
The sounds in a night garden are quietly eerie, as night pollinators visit fragrant flowers.

I am working to establish mine, planting as many white flowers as I can find.

Another element of the night garden is "glow in the dark" ornaments, such as the one pictured below. I set it up today and anxiously awaited nightfall to see if it really worked.

There are many of these around, but most have an LED element that causes them to glow in the dark. This one had no such thing and I wasn't sure how, or if, it would work.

I noticed as I was setting it up that one stone is missing! I must look around tomorrow to see if I can locate it.

Here's a picture taken after dark. Hmmm, it doesn't glow that much.

Kinda like the other dragonfly I bought a few weeks ago that was supposed to glow in the dark; it doesn't either.

I won't be outdone! I have Glow In The Dark paint on my shopping list that is going to be used to paint flower pots, so I'll apply a little paint to my dragonflies as well.
Here's a picture of what the glow in the dark paint looks like on pots at night.

I am still collecting rocks for my garden and plan to paint them with Glow In The Dark Paint as well. As you can see, I am very busy these days.

Do you have any glow in the dark ornaments in your garden? If so, please share your experience with them. Thank you!


  1. I don't have any glow in the dark ornaments but I do have a light inside my pond that is on a timer and which lights up the fishes in the water and the mermaid who sits besides it. It looks lovely when I view it from my kitchen window.

    1. I can imagine how beautiful the fishpond looks at night when the light shines on it. These things make our hearts full of joy.

  2. Nothing glowing in the dark in our garden. The pathway to our pergola is lined with a small wooden sort of barrier to keep the wood chips in the walkway. Right now it is painted white. I think that glow in the dark paint would be perfect.

    Your garden is going to be amazing.


    1. From what I've read about the paint, it looks just normal white during daylight and glows only at night. I have tried to buy it at both Lowe's and Home Depot and neither have it. I will be ordering via Internet.

  3. What a peaceful idea - a moon garden. Living in an apartment, I don't have the garden space, but might put something fluorescent on my patio. I like the idea of painting the pots. Thanks!

    1. I am all excited about having pots that glow in the dark. I think the paint is available in array of colors, so you could go neon if you wanted to!

  4. i hadn't thought of glow-in-the-dark ornaments. i've been thinking about solar-powered decorations that light up after dark. glow-in-the-dark might be more atmopheric

    1. The solar powered decorations are nice as well; I don't have any, except for the torches along the walkway. People have reported that they can be brought inside to light the house in the event of a power outage. Now that's a great idea!

  5. When, and even before it gets dark, I go to bed and sleep ; ).
    But those pots look amazing. You are indeed inspired !

    1. At this time of year it must be quite late when darkness comes at your place; even longer daylight days in the midst of summer. I get really inspired with gardening this time of year. I guess it's in my blood!

  6. WOW!! You cannot be stopped it looks like. I think it looks amazing. I do not have an outdoor garden but if I did WAH LAH...I would definitely want it to glow. It is a beutiful effect.

    1. Working toward getting that garden looking like I want it to. White everything! Pictures to come when it's more complete than it is right now.

  7. Don't you give up sis! You'll accomplish this before the summer is gone. Sorry this new "thing" didn't glow. It's going to be beautiful. You are working too hard.

    1. Too driven; that's the word. Just like you. :))
      Have to get the lion's share of work done before it gets so hot.

  8. Your glow pots are such a good idea for the garden,having never heard of glow paint not sure whether you can get it here.

    I have some solo lamps at the entrance gate needed to guide the cars in,being so rural no lights around everything is pitch dark.....the stars are superb though.
    Are you thinking of adding a 'night garden'?Judith

    1. My garden will be a night/moon/scented garden -- not the entire back lawn but just a manageable area that will form a little "room." Kind of like a "secret garden," hidden from view of the back of the house. Fun to plan it.

  9. The pic of the glowing pots that everyone seems to be attributing to paint was actually taken from an article about using lighting in your garden. Don't waste your money on the paint it doesn't work that well. Attaching the address for the pic's original article. You could buy the glow powder on ebay and mix it into resin or clear nail polish and that will glow much better. If you put it into the nail polish and apply several coats you can refurb existing ornaments in your garden.
