Monday, September 9, 2013

Conspiracy Theory: The JFK Assassination

Why do people believe in conspiracy theories? Is there ever evidence to support the beliefs some Americans hold?

In many cases I believe it’s because people are so distrustful of government leaders. In other cases, it’s possibly because some are gullible and ready to believe anything they hear, regardless of the distortion.

But I think one reason is because people find them entertaining or exciting! Yes, sorry, but that’s what I believe.

I found a list of the 10 most enduring conspiracy theories believed by the American public. I’m going to devote the next several days to listing them. First up:

Official White House Portrait by Aaron Shikler

 The JFK Assassination

(Now I have to admit that I subscribe to this one, at least in part!) I’ll make an exception to my own rule of “entertaining/exciting,” because facts bear out there’s more to the story than we’ve been told. Otherwise, why would the National Archives continue to hold some of the records secret?

I don’t believe we know all the full truth surrounding President Kennedy’s death, but this much is certain:

President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963, struck by two bullets — one in the head, one in the neck — while riding in an open-topped limo through Dealey Plaza in Dallas. Lee Harvey Oswald was charged with killing him, and a presidential commission headed by Chief Justice Earl Warren found that Oswald acted alone.

An ABC News poll in 2003 found that 70% of Americans believe Kennedy's death was the result of a broader plot. The trajectory of the bullets, some say, didn't square with Oswald's perch on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository.

Others suggest a second gunman — perhaps on the grassy knoll of Dealey Plaza — participated in the shooting.

Others believe in an even broader conspiracy. Was Kennedy killed by CIA agents acting either out of anger over the Bay of Pigs or at the behest of Vice President Lyndon Johnson? By KGB operatives? Mobsters mad at Kennedy's brother for initiating the prosecution of organized crime rings?

Just 32% of those polled by ABC believe Oswald carried out the killing on his own.

In about two months, we will mark the 50th anniversary of Kennedy’s death. Books about the man, his administration, his death, and yes, the conspiracies, are already planned for release. There also will be numerous television programs devoted to the subject.

If you have an opinion on the subject, would you care to share it?

Next conspiracy topic:  the 9/11 Coverup


  1. oh, i do love a good conspiracy theory! i'm choosing to believe elvis is alive and living on the 2nd floor at graceland, which explains why they don't let tourists up there ;)

    my favorite conspiracy theory regarding the jfk assassination involves the illuminati. i know i'll enjoy your posts on this topic. i get such a kick out of it

    1. Yes, The Elvis is Alive theory is alive and well. Was the illuminati really linked to the JFK assassination by conspiracy buffs? My next post in this series about secret societies that control the world definitely has an illuminati connection.

    2. it's fun to tell people with a straight face that i believe the 2nd floor of graceland is off-limits to tourists because elvis lives up there and watch them try to figure out if i'm serious. ;)

      i think there's probably no conspiracy theory that the illuminati has not been linked to. i hesitate to post a link, because these people are nuts lol.

  2. Looking forward to the upcoming posts. Love to read the JFK theories. Include me in the 70% who believe we don't know all the facts.

    1. Coming up on the 50th anniversary of his death I'm sure there will be ample programs on tv, including many about conspiracy theories.

  3. I'm not sure I believe JFK's death was a conspiracy as such but I do believe facts have been withheld. I never think we get the whole truth about anything government related.


    1. And the question is why are so many documents still classified? Could some of the conspiracy theories be laid to rest if they would just release the records? Or alternatively, would the documents just fuel them?

  4. As it has been 90% proved that Princess Diana's death was a conspiracy.. I believe that President Kennedy was assassinated, and a conspiracy.
    I have my theories.. and it will be interesting to read more about what is written on the anniversary of his death.. He was a great great man. So was his brother (was that a conspiracy too)! The Kennedy family have a lot of history from way back.!
    What a very interesting post Sanda. Today I will be thinking about your post..
    We have often spoken over the years about his assassination. Much has been covered up. Waiting for more. great post.. xxxxx val

    1. One day, perhaps, the truth will be known. But maybe not. So much is kept away from "we, the people."

  5. There do seem to be a few things which are odd about the JFK assassination, and as you say, why do they keep things hidden. But then, maybe some of it relates to Marilyn Monroe and they are protecting the family still living from more scandal. I continue to be interested in this and will no doubt be watching the TV docos around November; and I am old enough to remember it happening!

  6. Somewhere I've heard that all the info will be declassified and release after JFKs children are no longer alive. For some reason, I'm very attracted to each new piece of info that comes out about the JFK assassination. I, too, am old enough to remember it happening!

  7. There is a great book out by Adrienne LaCava titled, "No One Can Know" The book takes a unique hook around a still riveting, real mystery of the JFK assassination, and although fictional, I felt the author really did a lot of research and presented actual facts throughout the entire book. It is a fascinating read!

    1. The JFK assassination is a part of my memories growing up and so I will have to look into this one. Thanks, Betty.

  8. You are welcome Sparkie. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
