Saturday, September 7, 2013

Testing 1, 2, 3 - blog Posts on iPad

I have wanted for some time to be able to do a blog post from iPad but had never got down to business of investigating how it is done

Well, tah-dah, here's my first try out of the gate. Funny thing, I already had the app downloaded and didn't even know it. So it was just a matter of taking a couple of pictures on the iPad and inserting them here:

Still more to learn because I cannot type below the pictures. So finishing up here for the post. As you probably know these are my good buds Kris and Val, who are wishing you a great weekend!


  1. Sweet doggies. Don't you just feel so satisfied when you master a new tool with the tech stuff?


    1. They are sweeties I have trouble responding to blog comments on both iPad a d iPhone. It often locks up on me and I have no idea why. Happens always if I ever try to back up and correct a word.

  2. modern technology is wonderful. i'm still using a non-smart phone and don't have anything like an ipad, but i love the new opportunities i see out there.

    1. Using all the stuff can be frustrating at times. I'll try to master something, be unsuccessful and walk away from it. The some weeks later it falls in place. My computer is on the blink and until HB trouble shoots I'm limited to iPad.

  3. Excellent pictures Sanda.
    My hb has an iPad, but he only uses it for reading and listening to foreign news.
    Strange, but I have not yet even tried it.
    A good weekend to you and yours!

    1. Thanks. iPad is coming in handy while my computer is down. I depend on wifi connection so only can use it inside house unless I'm at a location thar has guest connection

  4. Once we get the knack of this new technology.. its easy peasy..
    pleased you have mastered the i pad. I dont have one, but all my family do.
    my friend Manuela has one, and she is so happy with it.
    I love your dogs Sanda.. one has my name val.. Is Kris the first dog..
    They look very happy and relaxed.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    val xxxx

    1. Our dog Valerie came to us already named by the rescue org from which we got her. I loved the name so we kept it. Kris on the other hand had been named Yukon and we couldn't quite live with the name so he became kris because we got him at Christmas. Our dogs are quite happy. And a bit spoiled I'm afraid

  5. Great pictures of my good friends. They are as sweet as pretty.

    1. And they are quite crazy about you their aunt!

  6. Your dogs are gorgeous, Sanda, and the photos lovely. Congratulations on using the iPad; that will be on my hit list for next year. Still trying to come to terms with my iPhone, and having a lesson from a friend about apps tomorrow. Have a lovely Sunday!

    1. Good luck with the Pps lesson. You'll be a pro in no time. iPads are quite handy and so nice when you don't want to crank up the computer

  7. Beautiful dogs Sanda - clever you for mastering the steps along the way to using your iPad. At the moment I just stick with the old computer - I have a fear of technology taking over too much of my life.

    1. Thanks rosemary. They are quite dear. I resist some tech gadgets but my HB pushes me along. A good thing as I don't wish to be left behind as time goes by. Have to be careful so I don't spend too much time with it tho.

  8. Feel the same as Rosemary not enough hours in the day to take on more technology,take my hat off to all you bloggers.
    Super photos of Kris & Val,Oska sends big licks!
    I bought an iPhone and have NEVER used it,hb got so annoyed about it,I took it back,and exchanged for an iPad which is more to my liking.Enjoy your Sunday.

    1. Some days I feel burned out with the gadgets and don't touch them except for iPhone which I admit I can't do without ESP since we no longer have a telephone land line. ThAnks to Oska for the greeting to my doggies.

  9. You are one talented woman Sanda! I tried posting from my iPad and made a mess of my posts. You have mastered it perfectly. I have so many Apps that I forget what half of them are for...I can totally relate! xx

    PS..gorgeous pups!

  10. Not perfectly, I'm afraid. My images are too large for the page but I couldn't find a way to resize them on the iPad. The pups thank you for the compliment!

  11. great job! I still haven't tried blogging using my phone because the tiny keypad really annoys me.

  12. Not sure that I could post on phone; I'm with you; keys are much too small for that!
