Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Halloween Treat

I was greeted this morning with the arrival in my inbox of a sweet, sweet video of Baby Katy in her Halloween costume. I could not download it as a video, and am instead sharing as a photo of her in her Minnie Mouse costume.

In the short video, she was cooing and gurgling, and it was the sweetest way to begin my day!

On this last day of October, on Halloween, the weather is wet and nasty, but we've had a glorious October, replete with blue skies and beautifully colored trees. 

Here are a few images I selected from Pinterest that reflect the glory of the season. The poems are two that I committed to memory in grade school, third grade to be exact, and they are very special to me.

I do love these vintage images; reminds me of the pictures we saw in our textbooks/story books long ago.

Moving right along, we'll greet November tomorrow. Where has the year gone?


  1. I'd be delighted it that adorable Minnie showed up at my door. Such a sweetheart.

    Enjoyed the poetry and the last of October images. Yes indeed, where did the year go? I really need to start thinking and making plans for the winter holidays.


    1. It's a great treat to get pictures or videos each day! Can't wait to see her again; they'll be here for Thanksgiving. Autumn is so special and its my favorite time of the year.

  2. Beautiful and nostalgic images of October, Sanda. You find lovely things to post. Baby Katie as Minnie Mouse is beyond gorgeous, and what a special video you must have. Isn't being a Grandmother the best? I received a little video a couple of hours ago of two little boys in Canada, in costume :-)

    1. Patricia, I find many interesting things on Pinterest. You should check it out if you haven't done so already. Getting used to the giddiness of having a sweet grandbaby! Just wish I could see her every day. You must have really enjoyed seeing those two little boys in their Halloween costumes!

  3. Baby Katie is so sweet, and growing so fast. It seems no time at all since she arrived.

    1. With the blink of an eye they'll be starting school, then driving...Oh dear, can't think about that right now. I'll just try to enjoy all the phases.

  4. Dear Sanda,
    Your little baby Katie is so sweet in her minnie outfit.
    She is growing fast.
    A lovely post. Such nice memories we all have of our youth.
    no matter what the weather.
    happy 1st november.. val xx

    1. Val, I do love remembering happy times as a child. I sometimes wonder if it was really that great, or just nostalgic thoughts enhanced by the passage of time. At any rate, it's an enjoyable retreat at times.

  5. What a delightful photo to find on your email.Katy is a beautiful Minnie mouse!
    So many charming poems/pictures that remind us of happy childhood days.

    Wishing you a happy,interesting November.

    1. The autumn colors remind me of your preferences: golden, brown and rusty reds. Those were my favorites when I was younger (still are in everything except clothes). Being a "summer" skin/hair type, I tend to look better in clear, not muted colors. Wishing the same for you in November, Ida.

  6. I can relate to your joy receiving the Katie video! She is indeed a girl, wears dresses and all. A darling - you know : ). Thank you for sharing the picture and cards with us!
    I´m very reluctant to answer your question about the gone year.
    Could it have something to do with us all, us certain agers?
    I did not write that one, heh ; )!!

    1. I'm sure the fast passage of time must have something to do with our age. Remember when it seemed like Christmas would never come? Now every time I turn around December is here. Baby girls are the sweetest things!

  7. Katie is sooo sweet and beautiful. Can't wait to see her ...she looks so happy! Love the poems Miss Velma taught have always been a natural at literature and memorizing poems. Love the sweet pictures...brings back lots if memories

    1. She certainly seems to be a happy baby. Miss Velma: I think of her every year when October arrives. She was wise in many ways, although we couldn't recognize it at the time; just a bunch of ungrateful students!!

  8. what an adorable costume for a baby! I particularly like the meticulous design, adding the plush Minnie toy, too adorable for words!
    Enjoy November, we've been having such a wonderful weather, uncommonly warm and sunny. Perfect for early afternoon walks watching the leaves on the trees as they change colour.

    1. Don't you just love autumn? It's my favorite season. We changed back to regular time this past weekend and I don't like the long nights, though. 8 p.m. feels like midnight until one adjusts!
