Saturday, November 2, 2013

Pet Talk

It's been a week filled with much time and attention devoted to pets, especially the dogs. They always get plenty of attention, mind you, but during the past week I made a trip to the veterinarian for both Kris, for his chronic ear infections, and Val for a recurring skin sensitivity.

Kris received injections and ear cleaner and drops to be applied twice daily. He knows what's about to happen and this is a typical posture he takes when he knows I'm about to "doctor" his ears.

Or he might give me this sad eye look as I get near him with the medicine.

Valerie was put through the wringer, so to speak. Her tummy had to be shaved where she had scratched and bitten herself from the itching; received two injections; toenail clip; shaving of a hot spot on her face; plus two injections brought home and given the following day as well as two capsules twice daily for 10 days.

The conditions each dog has are caused by allergies to "something" and we just treat them as they occur.

Both dogs are really patient about getting treatments at home. I have found an easy way to give them their pills: hide them in a teaspoonful of peanut butter. They love it and are none the wiser!

Then there are the darlin' kitties. One night the wind blew quite hard and they were so afraid. I was back and forth trying to comfort them but they were restless, in and out until bedtime.

Here's Murtie hiding in a flower box. Look at those eyes!

Photo made another day, when Myrtle was sleeping peacefully in the sun room  their new home!
Carl checking out the fish in the pond.
I am hoping I don't have to make a trip to the vet's office this week. It's 25 miles from home, it's usually a long wait and it stresses out both the dogs and me as well!

I was advised to give each dog 1000 mg of fish oil over their food to "maybe" help their problems. It's not a 100 percent cure, but helps most dogs. I'm off to buy a large quantity of them!


  1. Whatever helps these sweet sweet dogs! Didn't see them today but love them. These kitties are something else. May be barn cats originally but never been any so beautiful and sweet..not to mention spoiled! They have moved up in the world. You are a wonderful caretaker of them and even better sister.

    1. Dogs and cats get plenty of attention and love! These kitties know you are their "other mommy" and always look forward to your Saturday visits! They have indeed moved up in the world!

  2. Hello Sanda
    Poor puppies. They are good patients to let you put drops in their ear and give them injections. My dog will not let me near her ears. Our dogs have had allergies too. Hope you have a great new week

    1. Kris doesn't like me messing with his ears, but he so craves attention that he'll allow me to do anything to him! These allergies seem to know no season - it's a year round thing. Just like people, only worse for them I think! Good to hear from you, Helen.

  3. Those eyes of Kris say it all,your poor darlings have had a rough week (not forgetting their mistress!!) still with your care hopefully they will soon recover.
    So many dogs suffer with sensitive skins.I am just starting Oska on a new food made in UK,as the one the breeder used seems to have grain which according to other dog owners causes skin problems,not sure if this is true?
    I clean the rascal's ears weekly with cider vinegar,he is such a wriggler it was a nightmare at first but ok now.Do you clean your doggies teeth yourself? saw dog toothbrush/paste at the shop.......don't think he would allow that,he is 5 half months now,would love to have another to keep him company HB says no way....we will see!
    Oska send licks and hopes Val/Kris will soon be better.

    1. One vet wanted to place Kris on a special diet but it was so very expensive that it would have cost more than groceries for the household! Cider vinegar, hmm, now I might just try that. The vinegar is good for so many ailments in humans as well. I don't clean the dogs teeth. They don't seem to get tartar buildup, as I give them crunchy biscuits which seems to keep it under control. Having two dogs is great so perhaps you will wear down your HB's resistance and get another one. Very sweet that Oska is thinking about Val and Kris!

  4. It so stressful when an animal falls ill (even if it's something not life threatening). Ijust wish Val's and Chris' condition improve as fast as possible, in the mean time, lots of cuddling and kissing will help :-)

    1. Val is MUCH better, but the meds seem to be causing increased urination so she gets me up in the middle of the night. Kris' ears are gradually improving; not uncomfortable for him any more but still a bit red. Thanks, Anna.

  5. Poor lovely doggies! I hope they both feel much better soon. We used to have a little dog who was allergic to 'something' - we never found out what, but one and off treatment for years. Love Murtie hiding with those big eyes!

    1. I think it is very difficult to pinpoint the causes of animals' allergies. Like you we just stick to the on/off treatment as need be. It was like Murtie was posing for that picture!

  6. Oh dear, hope they are feeling better. They look quite content to me but I'll be the first to admit I don't know much about dogs.


    1. They are very content dogs. Happy even when they aren't feeling 100 percent. I'm very fortunate!

  7. Hope the little ones are all better now...our Gussy has skin problems is a drag. I'd say that Carl is one lucky cat with his own fish pond. Happy November Sanda

    1. Carl looks but hasn't ever indulged. Doesn't want to get his paws wet I suppose. But he surely enjoys looking.

  8. How come I first now found your post??
    Oh my,dogs and cats. I´d say, that the ear infection is easier to deal with, but the sensitive skin.. that´s a tough one.
    Right now, Morty is ok, but c.2 years ago, the situation was miserable.
    He eats only food bought from the vet for extra allergic dogs. It is expensive, but if it keeps the skin in control, it is worth it.
    Okay, hb gives him extra snacks and then he cleans the horses food buckets..
    I really empathize with you, the long drive over and the waiting, ouch.
    We have given olive oil for our earlier dogs, not Morty. I think that it is ok for some, for the others, not so much.

    I must say, that the face of the hiding Murtie is simply great.

    Oh, and you know, that I wash Morty every other week with a special shampoo, throughout the year +blow - dry his fur coat.

    1. I am glad Morty has overcome his skin problem Kris occasionally gets flakey skin but is OK right now. I have started the Omega capsules for both. Hope it helps.

      The baths are such a problem for me. Can only bathe them in summer. No heated water outside and they won't tolerate being placed in the bathtub inside. So in winter it's off to the pet parlor for baths and I can't do it every week. I have purchased a hydro cortisone spray esp. for pets for Val and it seems to be helping. Oh dear, it's always something with the pets! But they are so worth it!

  9. Oh, I hate it when pets get sick, it is so worrying! Love Golden Retrievers - they are so beautiful and so good natured! Almost any cat is beautiful (so long as it has hair...don't get me started...).

    1. Goldens have a nice disposition but demand lots of attention, which they get around our house. I have seen those cats without hair and it's sad, IMO.
