Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fall Decorations

It's that time of year again when streets in my town are decked out for the season. Here are a few photos:

Jack-O-Lantern Chimineas. This is the first time I've seen these.

This garden decor shop has many of them. What would you do with one after the season is over?

A bit pricey for a Halloween decoration, in my opinion.
 Along the main street, each shop has an outdoor display:

This isn't really a fall decoration, but a pot of unusual coleus now going to seed. I thought it was among the prettiest things I saw today. 

And finally, here's a late blooming zinnia in my back yard. It's from a packet of seed and I think it's one of the prettiest one I've had all season.


  1. Your town does indeed look splendid with its Fall decorations, Sanda. It is always a pleasure to see how they do it in North America - we have none of that here, because we don't have the wonderful display of leaves. The coleus looks very pretty, with the pink begonia mixed in. This could be an inspirational garden idea - I sometimes take photos and copy things like this I spot in my travels. The chimineas look funny, and fun, but you would need to have a few parties to justify them, and where would they go for the rest of the year?? Great post, Sanda.

    1. I like the natural fall decorations, but sometimes they are overdone, such as when the giant plastic and air-filled pumpkins and ghosts appear on lawns. A few pumpkins and mums are more to my taste, although I don't even do that anymore. The jack-o-lantern chimineas are a bridge too far for my taste!

  2. Enjoyed looking at the displays. Your zinnia is the prettiest decoration of all. The Jack-O-Lantern Chimineas and a new idea to me but as you say just something big to store the rest of the year. I haven't seen much fall or Halloween decorating happening here yet. Of course I haven't been out shopping much either.


    1. I remember the day when Halloween was well past before stores starting putting up Christmas displays, but shelves are already being stocked with the Christmas decorations. I like the zinnia best of all, too!

  3. I just love the scarecrow on the hay.
    America have big festivities for halloween. Its not a festive time here.
    I just do a little decoration for myself on the patio.
    Those Jack o lanterns are incredible..
    Never grown Zinnia.. i am slowly learning how to work with seeds.. i normally buy bushes or plants that can just be planted.. I have sewn about 10 packets already..and bulbs.. still want to plant more.
    happy Thursday Sanda.
    Thank you for your comments on my last post..
    val x x x

    1. I have mixed results with seeds but keep on planting them anyway. Zinnias are one of the easiest to start from seed. Halloween is a lot bigger now than it was when I was a kid.

  4. What a fun post,made me smile the pumpkin faces,nothing like that here!

    1. I'd much rather eat the pumpkin than carve one for Halloween. I made two loaves of pumpkin bread a few days ago. One of my favorite tastes in the whole world!

  5. Brits don't do Halloween very much. They have Guy Fawkes night in early November with their own traditions, though Health and Safety (and the Fire Departments) have largely stopped bonfires. I've seen a few urchins hanging out at the metro in makeshift costumes asking for a Penny for the Guy. They are supposed to have a fake dummy, the body of Guy Fawkes. I don't encourage Halloween here now, I don't want to see American traditions drown out British ones, but I did enjoy costumes and trick or treat night in Oklahoma City and Salt Lake City.

    1. I recall reading up on what Guy Fawkes night was all about when someone mentioned it here last year, but now I've forgotten and will have to look it up again!

  6. I can only say, that " Boy am I happy we don´t have those decorations over here ".
    The flowers you liked, are the best of all what´s on display.
    But then I am not much surprised, as everything in the States is done in a huge way ; ).

    1. I suppose I'm a stick in the mud because I don't do much decorating for anything anymore. For me, it's a been there done that thing. Leave it to the younger crowd. Of course, when the granddaughter is old enough to enjoy such things I'll probably do it again!

  7. I love coleus, so many varieties to choose from and easy to grow. But we just carve a pumpkin and put a candle inside. I think those chimineas would frighten me whenever I opened the shed door.

    1. Coleus comes in so many colors now and I like it too. There are sun loving varieties, which I've never bought, but should, as my garden is mostly in the sun. No pumpkin chiminea for me either!

  8. I think all the fall decorations just get bigger, more elaborate and expensive each year!
    I really like the small and tasteful arrangement of autumn pumpkins and apples. My mum's neighbour has this wonderful iron stand designed to hold potted plants which she uses to display her pumpkins. I always thought that was such a simple and chic solution.
    But then again nothing beats living plants when it comes to decorations and your zinnia in its rich warm autumn yellow is spot on!
