Monday, October 14, 2013

Sunday with Katie

Yesterday we spent a pleasant day visiting Little Katie, the new granddaughter who is now almost 8 weeks old.

Love the hat!

A smiling Katie

The happy father with his sister Melissa who was also visiting to see her new niece.

Mommie Jennifer -- with Katie in her Halloween costume! 

I got to spend quality time holding Katie, but don't seem to have any pictures of that! Here, just casting an adoring glance her way.

How did you spend your Sunday?


  1. Katie is adorable, love that dimple in her chin. So glad you were able to have some hands on time with her. There is something about the weight of a baby in your arms that just can't be duplicated isn't there?


  2. Sanda,Katie is gorgeous all that pretty hair and only 8wks.Did you spend time holding her?Best way to spend a Sunday.
    My day was spent indoors,non stop rain,cold north wind....sorted /put away Summery items,gave my bedroom an Autumn clean felt pleased with my results.

  3. Too cute, she is all ready for Halloween! I am sure no time can be as special as grandchild time. Happy Oct 14th to you Sanda!

  4. She is adorable!! So glad you got to go. Can't wait to see her.
    Babies are so wonderful.

  5. Oh Sanda, what a beautiful Little Katie you have there! The first two photos are priceless - gorgeous white hat, and very cute orange ribbon for Fall.
    She already has a most adorable little smile; it must have melted your hearts. I'm so happy for you that you could spend a day with her.
    My Sunday was with my old Dad, nearly 93 and still enjoys life :)

  6. Oh Sanda - I am SO happy for you to have had the chance to be with your granddaughter. I´m sure you know what I mean.
    How beautiful Katie is - so much hair : ).
    Lovely, that the parents allowed you to place these pictures on your blog.
    It helps so much when we discuss about our kids and our grandchildren : )!!

  7. Sweet little Katie.. she is lovely Sanda. Already in her halloween costume.
    Super pictures of her with her aunt , uncles and of course grandparents.

    My sunday was a lovely day. it was warm .. My DIL and grandchildren came over for coffee. I enjoyed seeing my little Max now 3..
    love val x x x x Thanks for sharing your sweet Katie with us.

  8. Aren't grand babies fun!? We have great times playing with Charlotte, but boy is she growing fast! We spend Sunday driving up to Edinburgh to see Sarah (Bill's youngest) and her new flat. It is actually Victorian, but it's new to her and she is excited to have made the leap and bought her own place. I was astounded to see that it is already fully furnished, lacking only some wall decorations. We explored every cranny of the place, went out for lunch, then drove back home... A good day out.

  9. She is a little poppet, and obviously adored by all. Grandchildren are so precious.
