Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Einstein's Riddle: Can You Solve It?

It is said that solving puzzles keeps our brains exercised and young.

I happen to like puzzles of every variety. This is one I ran across recently and last night I attempted to solve it.

I have to tell you that I could not! I worked on it for about an hour and came close. Perhaps if I'd stayed with it I could have filled in the missing parts. However, I just gave up and decided to share it with you.

If you decide to try, here's a hint: You must chart it out and use the process of elimination to fill in some blanks. I knew this because I have a similar puzzle, not attributed to Einstein, that I have kept many years and I solved that one by charting it out.

If you're curious and want to know the answer, find it here.

If you solve it, congratulations -- you are said to be among two percent of the people who can solve it.

Also, if you Google "Einstein's Riddle," you'll see there are other versions out there.

Good luck!
Credit: themetapicture.com


  1. Hello Sanda:

    How very intriguing. Now this is something to wile away the time into the small hours. Not at all sure how we will get on, but we shall at least give it a try!!

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  2. Indeed. I just realized I had the puzzle image on the page too large and it was intruding into the right margin information. I now have adjusted that. Good luck!

  3. i'm definitely going to try this. i used to have decent luck with puzzles like this, but this has a lot more elements.

  4. HB enjoys puzzles,he is away until tomorrow evening,will give it a try then.

  5. This looks like a Logic Problem. You can buy books of them or subscribe to the magazines. Very good for passing the time while waiting at the dentist. Never heard about their connection with Einstein. You find such interesting stuff!

    1. Find some of my things on Pinterest. I thought you would be able to solve this logic puzzle for sure!

  6. I'll wait for you or someone else to solve it. I'll take a nap instead, LOL! You do come up with some interesting info on your blog.


    1. It's almost a curse - having this insatiable appetite to want to know something about everything - only half of Dr Johnson's advice. It was him who said the key to a happy life is knowing a little something about everything and everything about one thing?

  7. Wow ,Sanda. Just reading it made my mind boggle. You must have so much patience. It seems you solved it.

    1. Mine too, Valerie! I never went back to solve it after my first unsuccessful try. I went on to other things!

  8. No way.
    I´ll copy Judith, and give the riddle for Tor to solve.
    Dr Johnson´s advice is brilliant!

    1. Great! We often have TOO MANY other things to do rather than entertain ourselves. Unfortunately, I never reached success in the second half of Dr. Johnson's advice, that is, knowning EVERYTHING about ONE THING. I am just a jack-of-all-trades, master of none!

  9. Phew, did it - busy couple of days but I took 10 minutes here and there, and did it - under an hour total. Just checked and my answer is correct :) Meantime HB and son had also completed it but were sworn not to reveal or give me any helpful info. Now we can all relax !!

    1. Oh, you smart lady! I should have stuck with it. I have a few more puzzles that I might post here soon. I think they're fun!

  10. I love these puzzles! My favourite pasttime while I'm on vacation along with sudoku. I'm copying it into my PC for future use :-)

    Happy weekend!

    1. I've never got the hang of sudoku but have friends who are addicted. Hope you find time later to play with this puzzle.

  11. HB also completed it last night about an hour,enjoyed it but claims he has another one about a kangroo that is harder!!!! Thank you Sanda.

    Happy March to you,it has started well here warm and sunny,Bliss.

    1. Glad your HB solved it! Would like to see the kangaroo one!

      Weather here has turned nasty....AGAIN. It didn't get out of the 20s F all day long with a bit of frozen precip, but nothing serious. Just cold!!

    2. Yes. That's what I got. I did it in about 30 minutes with interruptions.

  12. Wow, that was a tough one, but I got it in about 20 minutes. Do you have others?

  13. Wow, that was a tough one, but I got it in about 20 minutes. Do you have others?

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