Monday, March 3, 2014

Just a Few Items Found on Shopping Day

Love going into those discount stores -- warehouse stores, really -- where you find a variety of food and other items at very cheap prices.

I stopped in because I've in the past found Pellagrino mineral water, 6-oz. bottles, for 25 cents each. I didn't find them this time but came out with the following: (Isn't this the way it always goes? You pop into a store expecting to spend a couple of dollars and walk out having spent $30?)

These were the find of the day. Never heard of them, but I'm always up for trying new products. I've now tried these sponges and the best use so far is on soap scum in the shower. They really work, unlike so many other products I've used!

Not an unusual product, per se, but at a good price. Love shortbread and this brand is the best. On food items you just have to check the dates.

Never heard of the Bromley brand of tea but we've tried it and it tastes fine -- as good as the more expensive brands. Twinings Earl Grey is one of my favorites. Sun Leaf Family Size bags for iced tea hasn't been tried yet.

A few canned goods. I love deserts made with this sweetened poppy seed filling.

Again, just good prices on a few of my favorite items. Maille is THE best Dijon mustard.

King Arthur is a good flour but I've never bought white whole wheat. Used it in a quick bread and it works about the same as all-purpose.

Golden Raisins at the grocery stores are more than twice the price I paid. I use tons of golden raisins because I use them in quick breads such as pumpkin and broccoli salad.

A few of these in a tossed salad makes a huge difference. Love the oily, vinegary taste.

Have you found any good bargains lately?


  1. $1.99 for King Arthur Whole Wheat Flour - that's fantastic. (Less than half.) You can't always even find it. Pretty sure I've had Bromley's decaf tea back in the days when it was the only brand that came that way. Are those Cleaning Erasers anything like the Mr Clean Magic Erasers? I love them for cleaning the tea stains out of the pot.

    1. They are the same as Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. In fact, that's what I bought this week because all Redi Shines were sold out at the discount store. I don't know of any place locally where I can buy King Arthur products, so finding it at the discount store was a treat. I have ordered KA online in the past.

  2. I like those cleaning erasers - I use them on my white painted furniture - quick and easy. The poppy seed filling looks appealing, but not something to be found here. Walkers shortbread is the best - and a good price there. I was looking in our local 'cheap shop' yesterday, and some of the bargains are incredible. However, all your items are way cheaper than Australian groceries, which are far too pricey.

    1. I hadn't thought of using them on my white kitchen cabinets but I think I'll give it a try? The poppy seed filling is great for yeast sweet breads. I wonder why things are so much more expensive in Australia. Imports?

  3. I have wondered whether those cleaning erasers work or not, so that is a good tip. Like Patricia, I have never heard or seen anything resembling the poppy seed filling.
    We have what we call 99p shops so I expect that they are similar to yours. You have to be careful but some good bargains are to be had.

    1. I believe poppy seed filling is a part of Eastern European baking traditions. If you ever see it, buy it! Some of these discount warehouse products are overstocks from other stores, some things are out of date. On the canned goods it's not so important to buy something near its expiration date, as I've heard canned goods last 10 years. There's been a great deal of coverage in the news recently about how much food is wasted because of expiration dates being only a guideline and many things are good far past the date stamp.

  4. i've never heard of white whole wheat flour! sounds contradictory lol. looks like you found a great variety and some good deals.

    1. It DOES sound contradictory! I think the whole pieces of grain are simply ground so fine that it now looks whiter.

  5. We use King Arthur flour but haven't tried the white whole wheat. I would give it a go at that price. Not tried the cleaning erasers either but they sound handy. My latest bargain was avocados at 59 cents each. I bought a good pile of them as we like them on sandwiches, in salads and of course for guacamole.


    1. Avocados are 59 cents is a real bargain; I pay $1.50. Of course, you live out there in avocado-growing country I am bad about letting them go dark in the refrigerator if I buy too many. I have recently found frozen packets of pure avocado and that is great for me.

  6. The Magic Erasers are like magic.
    Everything over here is so much more expensive than in your stores, including our cheap stores.
    With thirty dollars I might get 5 packages of those Magic Erasers - I think ( but then I hardly ever go to the grocery shops.

    1. Oh wow, six dollars per package is quite expensive. This Redi Shine brand is cheaper in general than the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, but even those are about $3 for two erasers at the undiscounted stores.

  7. Have never heard of cleaning erasers,do they work?

    1. Yes, I have found them to work on everything I've tried them on. Especially on bathroom fixtures. Best thing yet on shower stalls. Also tried one on my chrome refrigerator, which had spots (water or floor polish or some such thing) and it took the spots off in a flash. The erasers leave behind a powdery-like film which then needs to be wiped down with a clean cloth. Hope you find them and give them a try.

  8. Found a vintage French blue Pringle's cardigan for 99 pence at a thrift shop last week. Aside from ugly buttons easily replaced, it was in great condition!
