Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Few Things from the Garden

Not much to brag about yet but I did find a few things in the garden today. As you can see I'm experimenting with various collage apps and here's what I have been able to do so far. Further I'm trying, only for the second time, doing a post on iPad. It feels different and awkward but I'm giving it a go!

Hyacinth (center); daffodils (top); hellebores (bottom).

Little concrete bunny with perennial moss that spreads like wildfire and is among the first things to emerge each spring. 

A succulent plant that has survived, at left, and daffodils scattered around the front lawn. 

An old house, now abandoned and near where I live, has a front lawn literally covered with the old-fashioned and common daffodils seen so frequently throughout the countryside. 

I gathered a bouquet of many varieties of daffodils from mother's garden and took them inside for her. Here she is proudly holding the vase. 


  1. Your mother looks so lovely, Sanda - I hope she enjoys good health. I love your collages, very pretty. I'm guessing you need to blog on an iPad or phone to use the apps? The concrete bunny is gorgeous, and I'd have him in my garden any day!

    1. She does quite well to be going on 93, we think! All the apps have to be individually downloaded for each platform, one for computers, one for iPad , one for mobile. You could try getting on your computer and downloading one. I used insta-collage for these. It's free. There are so many and some are complicated but this one was easy.

  2. That photo collage is very impressive! I don't even own a tablet, so am falling behind on all this technology. I might regret that one day, but my instinct is that life would be richer if I had less screen time and more real life. The old abandoned house sounds quite romantic and a bit sad; might any one rescue it one day? You are very lucky to still have your mom - I hope she really enjoys those lovely flowers!

    1. Thanks Shelly but the app does all the work for you. I doubt the old house can be saved. It's been vacant for many years. And you know the American way: abandon the old and replace with something shiny and new!! Yes fortunate to still have her. She still enjoys life and is blessed with an excellent recall of things!

  3. i love what you were able to do with the collage apps. spring may actually be coming! moss is one of my favorites. i'm thinking about making a terrarium just so i can bring some inside. :)

    one of the last flowers i took mother was a wild violet that had blessed us by blooming in november. she used to have a lot of daffodils/jonquils blooming in her yard. we missed those when she moved into an apartment. they are such a cheering flower, i think.

    1. I know you are still adjusting to life without your mother. It was wonderful the violet bloomed in November so you could take for her to enjoy. Daffodils are one of the best!

  4. Beautiful photo of your mother,the daffodil girl.The natural wild garden looks the same as our orchard.
    Techie wiz,did it take long to produce this stunning show?

    1. I will tell mother all you wonderful ladies complimented her photo! Not long at all. Just tap, choose photo from camera roll and it magically appears! Even I can do this!

  5. Beautiful photos! Made me look forward to next weekend when I go to see my mum and there will no doubt be daffodils in her garden. As well as blooming apple and cherry tree to greet me.

    1. Thanks Anna. I know you're looking forward to that taste of spring. It's so cold here again today!!!

  6. I love it. It's all so pretty! I also love the bunny and moss. Good pix of Mother and the bouquet. She has always had something blooming at every season that we could bring inside to enjoy. This is special....good job!

    1. I feel so bad for here that she can't even walk outside to enjoy the few things that remain in her once so pretty yard. At least we can bring flowers inside for her to enjoy.

  7. Dear Sanda,
    What a beautiful photo of your mum with the flowers..
    Great that you can work from your I have done a great job. I am very impressed. I only have a normal tablet, but have an iphone.. wonder if i could blog from my iphone.. i must look into both of them.
    really nice post.

    1. Thanks, Val.
      Some people do blog from their phones. I have never done that. Do look into it!

  8. I posted before i ended with one of my favorite poems..
    by Robert Burns.. Red,Red,Rose.
    I also like poems of the Brownings.. must start reading them again.
    super photos Sanda.. have a happy week val

    1. Good time of the year to read Robert Burns Red, Red Rose. I must go find it too

  9. You have done some amazing stuff with the pictures. I have no talent in that way. What a lovely photo of your Mom and the flowers.


    1. But Darla, you are so talented with your sketching. I envy that. Thanks
