Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Old Books

Here I go again, posting from the iPad. No collages today; instead testing out filters to give different tonal qualities

I find old books interesting. I pulled these from my bookshelves, textbooks from elementary school days. I love the pictures! Most aren't photographs but reproduced paintings The color, the detail, the nostalgia makes them so very special. At least to me. 

Following are a few examples of what I found between the covers of these half-century-old books. The next to last photo is from one of my mother's grade school books, an Elson reader published in 1929.  All pictures are black and white. I have shown one from the fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin. Oh how I remember and loved that one as a child!

(And by the way, something that should be simple -- finding a way to insert my text between pictures -- has escaped me. Maybe with a bit more practice I'll figure it out.)

I'm finding posting this way has some advantages, like being faster. 

So I would ordinarily type this at the bottom but cannot:

Tell me if you like old books. Perhaps none so ragged as these but antique books that are collectibles.


  1. I treasure old books too. You have a nice bunch of them. I particularly like old children's books. The illustrations are usually so wonderful. Oh how I remember Dick and Jane and learning to read. That takes me back a ways.


    1. Me too Darla. Love the illustrations in the Dick and Jane books.

  2. I do love old books, but then I love new ones as well. They both have their own special smell, like my two favourite perfumes. I wouldn't say I was that attached to children's books, though your illustrations are completely charming. Bill and I have a collection of a few books that belonged to some ancestors and we cherish them.

    1. New ones, old ones. Love them all. I read on Kindle but it's just not the same. Love the feel and smell of a book.

  3. i love old books, too, although i'm purging shelves right now of all books i don't think i'll ever read again. i have a few fairy tale books from my childhood, but i do re-read those lol

    1. I have a hard time even getting rid of paperbacks although I have recently given away some that weren't my favorites. Love fairy tale books too.

  4. Remember and love Dick and Jane books!
    Remember the "Anything Can Happen " so well.
    I love books too but I'm a late starter and want to read everything. I've been totally interested in the outdoors long enough.....time to divide my time. Sweet pictures.

    1. But you are making up for lost time. Dividing ones time will be a good thing!

  5. Oh, yes, I do love old books, and often bring one home. The illustrations in old children's books are so appealing, and I too remember Dick and Jane! I look out for reprints of the old Little Golden Books and buy them for my grandsons. My daughter likes to collect old Enid Blyton books, which I also read. Did you have those in America?

    1. We may not have Enid Blyton books here. Have never heard of them. Might be similar to our Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew books.

  6. I love the texture, the fonts and the SMELL of old books :-) also the topics covered and the way text is written is intriguing - pointing at different perspective, values etc. of the society from the era the book is from.

    1. The smell of the books is great. The way they are written is so different from now. I shudder to think of how many of the old books were destroyed because no one wanted them.

  7. My mother had an Elson reader from the 20's; you've brought back memories. Yes to old books. Always think of Emily Dickinson when I pick one up "There is no frigate like a book, to take us lands away."

    1. Hi Patricia J:
      Great quote from Emily Dickinson. We do go on a trip each time we read a book. How could anyone not like to read??
