Monday, August 11, 2014

In the gazebo

My first blog post on iPhone. The first one disappeared and I don't have the heart to re type each word!

The gazebo is our little outdoor retreat. A place to share a meal, a cool refreshing drink or rest from garden chores. 

It's covered in late summer with Sweet Autumn Clematis. We enjoy it's delicate blooms and faint scent. Sadly, when it blooms we know summer will soon be gone. 

Where do you take a break to rest outdoors?


  1. That looks lovely but I know what you mean about certain flowers revealing the closing of the summer. We have a corner where we sit outside our patio doors. It is in the shade and surrounded by lots of pots of lilies.

    1. The weather is unbelievably cool here for August, which makes it even more pleasant to sit in the gazebo. Last evening, I grabbed a sweater about 9 p.m. Unbelievable for August!

  2. So beautiful and such a lovely place to sit. Hope you saw the big moon from it last night!
    Hope that vine is still pretty on Friday. I saw it last year and is was lovely!

    1. Wasn't the moon stunning the past few nights? The Sweet Autumn Clematis usually lasts about 2 weeks so it should still be nice this weekend. White flowers under the moon are the best!

  3. That does look lovely! We don't really have an outdoor resting place, as summer often never really arrives here. The last couple have been reasonably pleasant and I'm starting to think about creating a lounging space for those possibilities. We actually ate lunch outside a couple of times. We have a table outside, usually just for plants. I put on a tablecloth and we took some kitchen chairs out into the yard and it was lovely. I think I might just get a small round table and a couple of folding chairs and see how much use we get from them. I'm sad at how fast summer is passing. We're off to Nice this evening for 10 days of cat sitting; I'm sure there will be loads of meals taken on the balcony overlooking the bay!

    1. Spending 10 days in Nice sounds like such a beautiful thing. Hope you enjoy it and that you get some nice summer-like weather. Any meal taken outdoors always tastes better.

  4. Your gazebo is beautiful Sanda - did you do the iPhone post there? We sit on our deck outside the kitchen, which has a great view and looks into a big gum tree where birds rest. That is where I cultivate my pot plants. It is the feature which sold us this house!

    1. No, actually posted sitting at the kitchen table. Have enjoyed this gazebo so much. It's so sturdy and the structure hasn't deteriorated at all, only the cupola on top, made from a less sturdy wood I'm sure. I'm trying to find a replacement.

  5. Your gazebo looks like a wonderful spot to spend some time in. Eat a meal or just sit and chat.

    My favorite outdoor spot is the deck at the house in the mountains. Great view and always so quiet.


    1. Indeed a great place to relax, listen to the birds, read a book, enjoy a meal, listen to music or enjoy the quiet of the evening. It's the small things in life that mean so much.

  6. Oh! What a perfect retreat! We have a patio that's up against the house on the north side, and it's a great space to read, drink a cuppa, enjoy the plants... But your gazebo looks magical :)

    1. It does actually feel a bit magical, especially when the flowers are blooming or when the moonlight falls against them. I so remember the first time I ever saw a gazebo: in The Sound of Music. Remember that scene? I wanted one ever since that time. LOL

  7. Each morning weather allowing I sit in the orchard on what I call my meditation bench my special time.My favourite spot is under the sun umbrella reading with an ice coffee/cold lime drink,surrounded by tubs of agapanthus bliss,evenings are best on the terrace,during the day as it faces south too hot!
    Your gazebo is delightful,like the cute topping and the clematis adds to its charm,bet your dogs enjoy lying there in the shade.

    1. Well, I think everyone should have a medication bench, Judith! Tube os agapanthus would be bliss to me! And yes, the two dogs love to join us in the gazebo when we hang out there during the evenings. We eat our evening meal there often and they are always on the alert for handouts!

  8. Dear Sanda,
    Your Gasibo is so lovely. I can just imagine you sitting with your coffee and thinking about your day ahead.
    I sit out on my pario. Ready to do that now. During these hot days.. I like to relax under the pergola next to pool as the afternoon breeze arrives to relief me of the heat.
    How exciting you have made a post from your i phone.. I have to try that. congrats..
    wishing you a happy day..
    val xxx

    1. I was rather surprised I could actually post from iPhone, although I know others do it. It took two tries, as the first one I wrote just disappeared and I had to reconstruct (a shorter post than originally written). I will be trying it again!

  9. Like you, I retreat to the gazebo, though mine is not rose-covered. Yours is simply beautiful!

    1. Thank you! and thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I am familiar with your blog, as I believe I've commented there in the past. I'll go now to check it out again! Have a great day!

    2. You have a lovely outdoor nest; the gazebo ( never heard that name before ).
      So true about sitting without a worry outside on a fine day, only I have to go somewhere else to do it, as all the undone work on the home front haunts me.
      Sometimes, we might sit on the balcony, but not yet in the morning, as I wish to stay in the bed as long as possible ; ).
