Thursday, August 14, 2014


Meandering:  following a winding course; to wander aimlessly; ramble; a direction or route taken; a particular manner of proceeding.

On a day's outing, driving leisurely though southern Tennessee, one doesn't expect a castle. Or is it?

There were no signs or markings to identify the structure, but a quick Google search on the town -- Sherwood, Tenn. -- indicated these castle-like ruins are of The Gager Lime Manufacturing Company, which was established in 1892 and operated until 1949.


From Wikipedia:

The castle-like ruins of the lime production facilities and silos, which are unusual for their Egyptian Revival and Gothic Revival styling, remain in the community. The Tennessee Preservation Trust included them on its Ten in Tennessee Endangered Properties List for 2002–2003, citing their architectural distinctiveness and expressing concern that a "continued lack of maintenance" threatened their survival.

Wow, such an unusual thing to see on a leisurely drive through the countryside.

If you want to read more about the town and the Gager ruins, visit this page


  1. What an amazing thing! Is that kudzu taking over or just regular ivy? Sad that no one has found a use for it, though I've certainly got no ideas about what it could be!

    1. It's not kudzu; some other vine that covered it but is now dead. Probably Virginia Creeper. It is a quite unusual building and sad to see it abandoned.

  2. What a sight to stumble upon. From a distance it is very castle like, up close it looks like an ancient ruins. Very unexpected though in any case.


    1. Very unexpected. Thought at first I was "seeing things." It is in a truly remote location. Sited there because of the rich limestone deposits in the area.

  3. Hello Sanda
    Good architecture stands the test of time. I hope the historic society are able to restore and maintain this gem

    1. Yes, I too would like to think so, Helen. It's certainly of a sturdy construction, and quite elaborate for a manufacturing type facility. The owner must have had money to burn.

  4. Beautiful! I've never heard of it but want to know more. What a surprise this must have been out in the middle of the countryside. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I would have liked to walk on the grounds, but it was extremely grown up with brush and I didnt have the gear for exploring.

  5. What a surprise to happen upon this architectural curiosity Sanda; it really is quite beautiful, even in its half-ruined state. I do hope it can be preserved - such a piece is unlikely to be repeated these days.

    1. Yes, it would be far too expensive to construct such a facility today. It's amazing sometimes what one finds when out for a drive!

  6. Had I stumbled upon this I would probably think I was transported through time ;-) it's like something from an entirely different ear. Beautiful and eery!

    1. I imagine it would look quite spooky at night. Something out of "Dark Shadows." Would make a great movie set!

  7. Meandering such a delicious (mm can a meander be delicious:)!!) makes me think of adventures to come.....and you found that castle.Enjoyed my visit to Crow Creek.

    1. I think meandering IS delicious. So many places to explore; so little time!

  8. I've been in the general area (It looks like it's between Memphis & Chattanooga, and I have been to Chattanooga a few times), but I've never even heard of Sherwood. That architecture does look worth saving.

    1. It's near Sewanee, Tenn., (home of University of the South) barely north of the Ala. state line, In Franklin County west of Chattanooga and east of Pulaski. I'd never heard of Sherwood either. Not much there.

  9. Do you often drive around without a specific destination?
    Not me, but my husband like to take different routes all the time. To the point when I have no idea where we are. And then I get mad ; ):
    The first picture looks like a castle, so bold in the wilderness.
    The second picture is quite a contrast looking like an Industrial building.
    Perhaps it worth saving as such or then fixing it up ( not too much ) for tourists to visit..

    1. Actually, we do drive around with a specific destination. Not so much as we used to, but still do it once in a while. I love those kinds of day trips. On that particular day, we had no idea where we were at times and were in such remote areas that not once, but twice, we drove until the road just dead-ended and there was nothing to do but retrace our tracks for miles and miles. There is still much open and uninhabited country in this part of the U.S., once you get outside the larger cities/towns.

  10. This is unbelievable Sanda..
    Anyone , who would have told me there were castles in Tennesse.. I would think twice.
    I can imagine it was thriving during its time of operation.. I will take a read later about it.. trying to catch up.
    happy weekend.. val.xx

    1. Have you heard of the Biltmore Casele in Ashville, N.C.? It was built by one the Vanderbilts around the turn of the last century. Now THAT's a castle! Open to the public and remains in pristine condition. I think it belongs to the state and is quite a huge tourist attraction.

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